Henry Ford Centennial Library

Outdoor Pickup Locker
HFCL Locker graphic with tagline

The Henry Ford Centennial Library has a new pickup option for materials.  When placing items on hold through the online catalog or through the library app you will see a new option on the list of dropdown locations called “Locker Outdoor @ HFCL”.

As with regular holds, we will notify you when your items are ready to be collected.  Items waiting to be picked up will remain availble for 7 days before being cancelled.

Collecting items

To collect your items simply input or scan your library card at the locker terminal and input your PIN.  You will be shown what items are ready to be picked up within the locker.  Once you click “Accept” the locker assigned to you will pop open and you will be given a receipt option for the checkout.

Be sure to collect all the items within the locker as they will all be checked out to you! Also, please shut the locker door when you are done.

Returning items

Items can be returned at any Dearborn Library location through exterior drop boxes.

At HFCL the drop box is just on the other side of the south doorway across from the pickup locker.  Library materials should never be left within the locker to be returned.

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